Monday, April 13, 2015

Welcome to New York



After years of thinking, talking and dreaming of living in the big city, I've finally did it. Ken and I decided now or never and so forward we marched. It was a very surreal feeling when I landed. I was excited about my new adventure, but sad about the fact that I would do it alone for the first few months. Leaving my husband and my dogs to pursue my dreams, felt a little empty.  We had to make the hard decision of letting the dogs live with family until we are able to find an apartment that will allow our knuckleheads. I didn't think saying good by to my furbabies would be all that hard, but it hurt more when I realized that Addison knew what was going on. She got very clingy my last week and was very sad the day I left. However, despite it all, I did it, I'm here. This blog will now be a chronicle of my NYC happens, debacles, ups, downs and all arounds. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I will enjoy living it.

Today makes the second day I've been in New York. Not going to lie, I've done a lot of done a whole lot of nothing.

Day 1: Consisted of finally finishing my bed. I put the drawers together and finally got all of my clothes unpacked - I know, so FREAKING exciting! I went grocery shopping, that and that in itself was an experience. I had to figure out what I needed and what would fit into my backpack. Walking to the grocery store with an empty pack and walking home with 20 lbs worth of food was a very fun walk. I spent a ridiculous amount of time on trying to join groups of interest to me, how else do you make friends as an adult in a new city? Have you ever been on Meetup? It's like the strangest thing. There are literally groups for everything... I found a group for being a gay runner, being a geek and meeting up to do laundry - I feel some of these groups are purely for the sake of hooking up. We shall see, Erika said she'd go to my first meet up with me. I really hope the all female meetup group I joined is not a hook up group, how awkward would that be?

Day 2: .......... look at that, nothing, again. I woke up around 9:30 and started the ever so exciting job search. I must have applied to a million jobs. How do people find work in this city? Where do they look? there must be a million ads.... Why do they all want video resumes? Don't they know the camera adds 10,000lbs? I hate you video resume. I must have rerecorded a video resume a million times today. It went a little something like this... "Hello, My  name is Margarita Carmen Estrada ......shit, look at the camera" stop... rerecord "Hello, My name is Margarita Carmen Estrada and I am submitting a video resume for an administrative job at your company.......should I say which job? Really, gosh, lets start again, why didn't I hit pause.....THIS IS SO STUPID." You get the point, I sucked at it. Ha-ha!

The weather is nice in New York this week; however, I still can't believe we have to purchase our own A/C once it gets hotter. I didn't even know what was a thing... can I just live in a hotel during the summer months? That seems a lot easier..

It's only been two days and I miss my husband (co-dependent much?). You know, not like we spent every waking moment together. He is my best friend (oh my goodness, cheesy much?) and I've barely been able to speak to him as he's been so busy finishing up the work on the house before the tenants move in. Let's face it, out of the two of us, I might be the handy one... on well, he'll get it done and be here before he knows it.

P.S.... When your ordering Feta at the Deli, know what you want... because someone will just swoop in and steal you time. I'm going to be an NYer before I know it.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Life's a dance

"Life's a dance, you learn as you go.
Sometimes you lead, sometimes you follow.
Don't worry 'bout what you don't know,
life's a dance, you learn as you go."

- John Michael Montgomery


When I first considered the idea of blogging I thought it was silly. Then I realized, if I took all the stories in my life, the good, the bad, the hilarious; It would make a for an entertaining read. So I decided to start a blog. I know with the millions of blogs on the internet these days this one will probably never get read but in my life, if all I leave is a smile on one strangers face...consider my life complete.